The Child Safety Department was launched in 2011 as “The Child Safety Campaign” as one of the initiatives of the Supreme Council of Family Affairs and continued as a campaign until HH Sheikha Jawaher bint Mohammad AlQasimi decreed in October 2018 an administrative act that established the Child Safety Department thus continuing the mission and the goals of the campaign, to spread awareness regarding the importance of child safety and protection and to work towards creating social stability for them, to achieve a society where children enjoy mental and physical health

"Create awareness among all spectrum of society on the importance of child prevention and protection from negligence, harm and exploitation, within the established religious and legal frameworks, in order to preserve the rights and to bring him/her up as a normal child who lives physically and psychologically safe under the umbrella of a cohesive family. This shall take place through our effective participation in developing relevant national policies and through designing and executing initiatives and through designing and executing initiatives and activities in collaboration with strategic partners and specialized entities."
‘Kanaf’ is an interdisciplinary, multi-agency child protection centre in Sharjah. It is established to provide prompt legal, psychological, medical services to child victims of physical and sexual abuse and witnesses thereof. The center will help standardise child protection measures and enable relevant entities to provide integrated referral and treatment services in a state-of-the-art facility, and in a safe, supportive environment.
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Child Safety Department
Supreme Council for Family Affairs
United Arab Emirates